Wednesday, August 31, 2011

M. O. M. =

   M.O.M. = Miracles of Miracles!  Yep, that was my mom.  Seems the longer she is gone from this earth the closer she is in my soul, my person, my Spirit and all with Love.
   Today I went to our county fair (that's an entire other BLOG) and I always run into people I've not seen in a long time.  Today I ran into a couple I've known for over 30 years and they knew my parents.  After the greetings, hugs, how do's, etc., Dave says to me, "Waite (that's what he's always called me), you look just like your mom"!  Oh my - I came so close to tears.
   This is not the first time I've been told this and I'm certain not the last time.  The difference today was that his words were exactly what I was in need of hearing at the moment.  I, too, see a striking resemblance and take these words as a compliment.
   You see, my mom was a wonderful woman.  Deeply Spiritual. Compassionate.  Patient.  Giving.  Loving.  Empathetic.  Sympathetic.  Simple.  Honest.  True.  Humble.  Etc.,  Etc.,  Each day I miss her with an incredible ache and pain that goes beyond description really.  These were her greatest qualities.  She also was a woman of little wants and needs.  She was simple.  She did not wear make-up.  She was always crisp and clean.  She had a wonderful smile, pretty teeth and sparkling eyes.
   I, too, have been told I have these qualities.  I, too, have been told my appearance is very similar in the simplicity of style.  My smile is pretty, genuine and my eyes sparkle!
   Some years ago I awaken during the night and wrote a poem that I cherish.  I cannot remember all of the words but I do remember the last line:
I looked in the mirror
and who did
I see
My M.O.M.
at me
   Indeed, she is gone from this world.  Indeed, she LIVES in me, through me, with me - forever!  She was a Miracle of Miracles and taught me to believe the same.
   We are ALL Miracles.  ALWAYS!  Today, yesterday and tomorrow!  LOVE you mom and MISS you like crazy!  Hugs to you and dad until we meet again!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


   Many years ago as I celebrated my birthday with a close family of friends, 'wishes' were passed from each to the celebrant.  A small child, 6 years of age, said to me, "Michele, I wish for you perseverance."
I replied with a thank-you and a stunned look upon my face.  Perseverance!  What was perseverance, what did it mean, and where did this little kid learn such a big word?  I could not wait until I was able to access a dictionary and look up the definition of this word hoping I was able to even spell it. I was able to do this and have spent many days since that time persevering many things!
   Why is this so important today as it was then?  I've decided that unless I continue to seek out the truth of who I am, my purpose in life and go forward - this birthday wish had no meaning.  So, I continue on and push the thoughts away of age, physical ailments, money, etc. to attain what it is that I know to be my truth, purpose and self.
   No matter what often seems to be unattainable in the end I must remember that each day I let pass I lose and waste.  Today is the day I must start at my beginning!  I must persevere what is so very important to me.  Baby steps.  Little by little.  Never giving up or giving in.  I will DO IT!  I WILL persevere.
   WHY?  Because I MUST!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fast forward 45 years . . .

   As a small child of 8 years old and attending parochial school, there were two things I sooooooo wanted to do.
   FIRST - to ring the bells letting all know that church service's were beginning.
   SECOND - to be an altar server and close to the the 'table'.

   However, the 'rules' of the church in which I was raised did NOT allow girls to do either one of these.  So, I just wrote a letter to the POPE.  Certainly he could and would make a change.  NOT!  What's one to do then as a child so young and wanting to serve in these small ways?

   I went on to become serve as a Eucharistic Minister, a Lector, a Youth Minister, visiting the sick and bringing the Eucharist and prayer, a guitar player during services and still grew into adulthood realizing that that same hole I had as an 8 year old child was never filled.

   Fast forward 45 years!

   Recently I attended the funeral of a childhood classmate at a church that felt familiar & similar with a HUGE difference.  The priest is a woman, the alter server(s) acolytes are girls, the bell ringing is shared, the lay ministers are women & men, etc. etc. etc.  I FOUND my place!  I have attended ever since!

   I now RING that bell.  Three short rings, PAUSE, three short rings, PAUSE, three short rings, PAUSE.  Soon, I will once again be reading the word. One day I will be so close to that table that this 53 years old woman will be able to forgive the wrongs spoken and shown to a small 8 year old child of God.

   I have learned NEVER to QUIT!


   There IS and ALWAYS will be a place at the table!


. . . chicken skin . . . = . . . goose bumps . . .

   Many times in the last several weeks I find myself in a reflective, gratifying and extremely quiet place.  While I am experiencing this space my body often becomes covered with 'chicken skin' or more commonly known as goose bumps.  Today has been one of those days.
   I was remembering a recent kindness of a friend who lives across the country and whom I have not seen for 40 years.  After having had two surgeries in as many weeks, I realized that I would not be getting three paychecks from my 19 hour per week job.  Quite nervous and without any reserves, I made a comment on good old FACEBOOK.  Much to my surprise this person messaged me, asked if I had a Western Union near by, and instructed me to go there and pick up some money she had wired me. I was shocked and humbled at the same time.
   I picked it up (later able to re-pay the kindness) and was grateful to eat, have gas and manage during this time of struggle.  I made a DECISION that day and have committed to live with this decision until the end of my days.
   I cannot nor must not go to bed on any given day without extending this kindness to another.  What a delight this has been, changing my entire outlook on life and myself.  Courage, humility, Love, etc. has surrounded me.
   When I shared this with the person who extended their kindness she shared this story with me.  Seems many, many years ago she was left with two small children and had 1/2 cup of rice in the cupboards.  Unable to reach out for reasons of her own,  somewhere, somehow, somebody KNEW.  Alas, a knock upon her door and bags and bags of groceries were delivered to she and her children.  When she asked what she could do to 'pay back' this kindness, they replied by simply stating that a time would come when someone would be in need of her kindness.
   Lo and behold - many years later - I was the recipient of the Love.
   Some call it KARMA, others KINDNESS.  I have chosen to call this GRACE.
   My wish for you is that you not only are a recipient of Love, kindness and grace on a daily basis but that you pass this on.  Something like the GOLDEN RULE that is so powerful, magical and SIMPLE!
   One rule, so simple, so honest - that makes an entire difference in one's life.  It certainly has in mine!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


   I often wonder what it is I will share with you here on this SIMPLE and open space.  Just moments ago it comes to me.
   I've have been standing in the parking lot of McDonald's (home of my FREE WiFi connection), speaking to two strangers in a truck.  Oleg & Oxana are traveling around the world in their very own truck from Russia.  Thus far, they have visisted four of our continents.  I have yet to visit their blog: but I certainly will when I've finished here.
   What comes to me is the 'strenght' and 'will' of a young couple wanting to pursue what many of us may only do via DVD's, magazines or the Internet.  THEY have taken the 'risk' with their 'want' to go where their hearts lead them.
   One of the things they shared with me was this:  All people, in all places they have visited thus far, have been kind.  The people of the United Stated have been ESPECIALLY kind and warm to them.  This makes me PROUD and touched my heart.
   I left them with these words, "No matter where we come from, or where we are going, we ALL come from the SAME place."  My place is from the loving arms of my creator.  Theirs is also!

Friday, August 26, 2011

"L" ove

   Today, as I was struggling with quite a bit of pain from a rotator cuff problem, I realized how very important Love is in my life!  I write love with a CAPITAL "L" as I reference the equivalent to God when I use it.
   My parents filled me with a great love though rarely said the words until I became an adult.  Rather, I should say, I do NOT remember hearing the words until I was an adult.  What changed?  I began to Love who I was as a person and to acknowledge "L"ove in my life and it's meaning to me.
   Very recently, the last six months or so, "L"ove has surrounded me in many ways and in doing so has allowed me to "L"ove others in an honest, caring and reverent way.  My parents, in their quietness and reserved ways, actually taught me a lot about this "L"ove through their own deeds and actions.
   We are given the opportunity to choose, pass on and render the BEST we have been given throughout our lives.  Today I CHOOSE to pass on this "L"ove that makes ALL of the difference in each and every day.
   I wish for you "L"ove in every sense of the word.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


   Tonight I was chatting with a friend who has M.S. and quite a Spirit about her.  She had mentioned she was enjoying her salad, although she can no longer taste anything, but 'remembered' what it used to taste like.  Kind of like having sight as a child, going blind as an adult, but 'remembering' in your MIND's EYE what your experiences were from the past.  AWESOME!  So glad that I GOT it!
   Sometimes in the 'simpleness' of life we need to remember the things that gave us great JOY and PEACE and TENDERNESS.  This was one for her and keeps her going as she deals with her symptoms.  We have shared with one another that things happen in HIS time, NOT ours.  Onward to the second blessing:
   Remember the previous story of the 8 1/2 year old child who wanted to work on his scouting medal in RELIGION?  Well . . . he and his parents took the FIRST step and met with a religious person.  Seems the ENTIRE family has made a choice to go FORWARD in learning what is expected of them on their journey of returning HOME.
   When all of us remember that things happen in HIS time and NOT ours - we are indeed BLESSED with the SiMpLiCiTy that this life brings to us!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Memories . . .

   Today I was thinking about a young child who I spent much time with when his single mother was away on military business.  This little guy was bright, handsome, simple and intense.  While driving along one day, he says to me, "I remember when I was a sperm in heaven".  "Really!" I said.
   He continues on to tell me that before he was born and living in heaven, God asked him who he would like for his mother once he came to earth.  This child shared with me that he saw two women, one who looked sad and was wearing a bathrobe and the other who was younger, playing with children and looked happy.  He then goes on to say the following:
   "I saw the younger lady and thought I'd like to have her as my mom and we'd have lots of fun."  "Then I looked at the other lady in her bathrobe, the one who looked sad, and told God that I would pick her."  When I asked how he came to his decision, he told me that it was important to pick the sad lady because he knew that HE would bring her happiness and that the other lady was already happy.
   This year that child is 30 years old, engaged and doing well for himself.  The sad woman is happy and the happy woman is childless. 
   Who would have known the ending of a child's thoughts and ideas some 25 years later? Not I?

Monday, August 22, 2011

From a mind so young!

   Of all things to happen on an overcast Monday in the form of receiving a long awaited phone call from my eight birthday present - my younger brother.  Never would I have thought in all my days that he would call me and inquire about something so sweet, complex yet simple in it's own blessings!
   Yes, I was asked if I had the family Bible in my possession.  Certainly I do as it is a family keepsake and now for THIS family to be in need of the very same book!.. WOW! 
  Seems my youngest nephew, at the tender age of 8 1/2, is wanting to work on his 'religious' medal through scouting and has opted to take the longer road of meeting with a church pastor, attending meetings, getting his 'agnostic' dad and 'pagan' mom involved to earn something that is so very important to him.  The simpleness of a mind so young yet so GREAT!
   BLESSINGS abound!