Many times in the last several weeks I find myself in a reflective, gratifying and extremely quiet place. While I am experiencing this space my body often becomes covered with 'chicken skin' or more commonly known as goose bumps. Today has been one of those days.
I was remembering a recent kindness of a friend who lives across the country and whom I have not seen for 40 years. After having had two surgeries in as many weeks, I realized that I would not be getting three paychecks from my 19 hour per week job. Quite nervous and without any reserves, I made a comment on good old FACEBOOK. Much to my surprise this person messaged me, asked if I had a Western Union near by, and instructed me to go there and pick up some money she had wired me. I was shocked and humbled at the same time.
I picked it up (later able to re-pay the kindness) and was grateful to eat, have gas and manage during this time of struggle. I made a DECISION that day and have committed to live with this decision until the end of my days.
I cannot nor must not go to bed on any given day without extending this kindness to another. What a delight this has been, changing my entire outlook on life and myself. Courage, humility, Love, etc. has surrounded me.
When I shared this with the person who extended their kindness she shared this story with me. Seems many, many years ago she was left with two small children and had 1/2 cup of rice in the cupboards. Unable to reach out for reasons of her own, somewhere, somehow, somebody KNEW. Alas, a knock upon her door and bags and bags of groceries were delivered to she and her children. When she asked what she could do to 'pay back' this kindness, they replied by simply stating that a time would come when someone would be in need of her kindness.
Lo and behold - many years later - I was the recipient of the Love.
Some call it KARMA, others KINDNESS. I have chosen to call this GRACE.
My wish for you is that you not only are a recipient of Love, kindness and grace on a daily basis but that you pass this on. Something like the GOLDEN RULE that is so powerful, magical and SIMPLE!
One rule, so simple, so honest - that makes an entire difference in one's life. It certainly has in mine!
a BEAUTIFUL story!!! Thank you for having the COURAGE to share it. Makes me think that there TRULY ARE kind persons that walk among us= ANGELS without visible wings, they are there, we just have to "LISTEN" and then we will "see" them.