Monday, August 22, 2011

From a mind so young!

   Of all things to happen on an overcast Monday in the form of receiving a long awaited phone call from my eight birthday present - my younger brother.  Never would I have thought in all my days that he would call me and inquire about something so sweet, complex yet simple in it's own blessings!
   Yes, I was asked if I had the family Bible in my possession.  Certainly I do as it is a family keepsake and now for THIS family to be in need of the very same book!.. WOW! 
  Seems my youngest nephew, at the tender age of 8 1/2, is wanting to work on his 'religious' medal through scouting and has opted to take the longer road of meeting with a church pastor, attending meetings, getting his 'agnostic' dad and 'pagan' mom involved to earn something that is so very important to him.  The simpleness of a mind so young yet so GREAT!
   BLESSINGS abound!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first post. Look forward to reading many more of your future posts.
