Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Unification VS Separation

   I have some quite wonderful experiences while using the WiFi service at my neighborhood McDonald's.  Seems this location is right on the highway that leads folks out of the Monterey area to the adjoining freeways.  I've had many experiences of meeting people from all over the world who are just passing through and are on 'holiday' from other countries, often Europeans.  Today was another experience.
   Spending time with Sebastian and his long time partner Esther, both from Niort, France, we spoke about many things.  The common thread we found was not only the physical beauty they have experienced in this country but the beauty of the people.  These mere conversations amongst strangers form a type of universal unification.
   The thought occurred to me about the difficulties we, I, find ourselves in with our neighbors,
co-workers, family, etc. that create separation.  The simplest misunderstandings get blown way out of proportion.  The listening ear seems to become deaf and assumptions made.
   While meeting and speaking with many foreigners, I find myself really, really having to 'listen' to what is being said.  Accents, mannerisms, volume of voice, etc., can become misleading.  This is the same when separations occur.  Is real 'listening' happening or are we assuming that we know the next thing that will be said because of past experiences?
   I have become disenchanted when those we encounter on a daily basis become cause for distance yet those from a great distance become the HOPE for unifying one sense and love for ALL people.  Mysterious, confusing, frustration - yet MAGICAL.
   I choose the MAGICAL!  What will you choose?

1 comment:

  1. : )
    having grown up on both shores (here and in denmark) and done much travel, it is indeed the simple mere moment granted to another of honest attention that matters...and can bring two unknowns closer to becoming one in understanding.
